Rayfit online coaching is a new and exciting way to offer life-changing transformation and fitness coaching to clients. It can be utilized by anyone, anywhere, offering convenience, responsiveness, flexibility, and affordable.
I’m now able to empower my clients with more accountability and support than I ever could in person. Leveraging the power of the internet and cutting out the overhead cost of traditional personal training means that you get more for your hard-earned dollar. Online platform and mobile communication tools keep me wired and accessible to my clients even if they’re hundreds or thousands of miles away.

Simply put: Rayfit online clients get SO much more from me than an in-person clientele ever could. The best part? The program is your program. No longer limited by rules of the gym, scheduling necessities, and financial obligations to a host of other parties, I can give you precisely what you need, when you need it. Throw the word “training” out the window. I will be your concierge- giving you what you need, when you need it, no matter how those needs may change over time.


Ready to make a life change? We’re thrilled to help you along your path to a fit and healthy life. Our experts take great pride in helping achieve your goals.